Stability | Sea-Keeping | Endurance | Efficiency

HysucraftTM adds significant benefits to military and workboat platforms through its core benefits and advantages. Explore this section to find out more details.

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Uses of Hysucraft from the past and present

Various Platforms

Survey Vessels
Hydrographic survey vessels are essential for the commercial and military operation along rivers and harbors around the world.
Navigating the precise clearance for a large container ship or nuclear submarine with the river or ocean floor can mean mission failure or success. The readings and accuracy of the results from the surveys are therefore of tremendous importance for the vessel pilots, dredgers and vessel owners. Hydrofoil Assisted Catamarans provide a good solution for high-speed survey boats. The technology design offers a stable platform for monitoring channel and harbor conditions and precisely surveying areas in need of dredging. The specific design of the Hysucraft design allows enhanced maneuverability thanks to the hull form and the installed propulsion systems using water jets. The platform offers increased stability and efficiency, which results in longer range with the same fuel as well as the most important – substantially improved survey, results with more accuracy to ensure mission success.

Patrol Boats
Navy patrol boats are required to be in operation for many hours at a time, endurance, range and ride comfort of the crew are very important.
Patrol boats differ from Special Operations Craft in their requirement of maintaining a comfortable cruising speed but also having the ability for bursts of speed in the event of intercepting another vessel. Stability at rest is critical for firing high-powered weapon systems without having to compensate for balancing through the propulsors. The Hysucraft platform offers benefits in sea-keeping which plays an important role when crew are on the vessel for extended hours, efficiency in line with the global trends in conversing the environment and range which enables the patrol boat to be more capable and execute its mission easier. See below for details on the projects of Naval patrol boats that have been successfully deployed in the past.

Larger Platforms
HysucraftTM technology is proven to work in research up to 70 meters and actual applications in the 40 meter range. These offer great military platforms for very fast, agile platforms for Littoral operations.
As the US Navy enters the new era of Littoral Combat Ships, providing high speed and highly versatile platforms is very important. These platforms provide large, wide and incredibly stable operating platforms that have less length than a typical craft, however they offer the same working area due to being a multi-hull configuration. Hydrofoils provide a very stable, efficient and extended range capabilities which works in favour of helicopter landings in rougher seas, very high speeds with lower required power helps for stealth or emmision signature and response times. The platform can be used to deploy unmanned reconnocense or combatant craft in foreign littorals. For more detail on large platform research, please view our advanced research page.